

Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd featured on "Reports about doctors double-billing aren’t telling the full story"

Oct 5, 2017

Media reports highlighting complaints from patients and advocacy groups about physician double-billing are “misleading and alarmist,” says Toronto health lawyer Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd.

Click here for the full article.


Whether it’s providing guidance, giving proactive advice in order to prevent an unpleasant situation or protecting your reputation and licence when faced with a challenge, Tracey really knows what she’s doing. No matter what the situation, she is the consummate professional, someone you can rely on to go in and accomplish what needs to be done. Though always eloquent, a great orator, and professional, Tracey can be tough when the situation warrants it. I have already recommended her to colleagues and I will continue to do so without hesitation.

Family Dentist

Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd Health Law