

Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd featured on "Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd: a pioneer in health law in Ontario"

Oct 6, 2016

A pioneer in her practice area, Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd founded the health law section of the Ontario Bar Association in 1987 after recognizing a changing legal landscape and an increased oversight and accountability in health-care delivery.

At the time, health law wasn’t being taught in Canadian law schools and it was not yet recognized as a specialty for many law societies, including the Law Society of Upper Canada. 

Click here for the full article. 


Tracey is an extraordinary person - and a lawyer of the first order. We named her as one of our inaugural Alumni of Distinction at the University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law. I could not recommend her more highly!

Ian Holloway QC Dean and Professor of Law, The University of Western Ontario

Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd Health Law